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  • Saw Htoo


Updated: Mar 17

Software : Houdini 19.5 | Nuke 15

Render: Karma

Final Render


I wanted to explore different renderings besides using Mantra to render the pyro, I discovered karma.

For RenderFarm:

What I did to render in Karma was export out the object and simulation after the filecache. - I also heard you can export out in the Solaris. Either way, you have to reference back using the Reference node.

Reference Node

with camera, you need to use sceneimportcamera

  • But if you create objects and camera in the Solaris layer you don't need to export out.


save to disk with usd_rop and it should be in the $HIP/ file

  • select the .usd file when rendering in the farm


Render test 3

Render test 2 with comp


render test 1

Image Render:


I use Karma to render my scene. I received help as to how to render in the Renderfarm. I would need to export every object and simulation into USD and references back into Lopnet(Solaris)

I recreated my shockwave with 4 different pyro, using 3 different methods to learn more about pyro. I used 2 pyroburstsources (explosions) as a start of the shockwaves.

I created another pyroburstsource ( shockwave) for the initial shockwave.

I use a pyro source on a torus to create a burst of dust in the middle after the shockwave.



From the Pyro Burst Source, I use the Shockwave from the selected type and manipulate the shape and spread of the angle.

I added a tube to delete the selected group and used it as a collusion object to allow the smoke to interact with it.

Date: 3/2/24



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